3 min read
Covered entities and business associate requirements under HIPAA
A covered entity is not liable for the actions of its business associates nor required to monitor their actions under HIPAA. While covered entities...
3 min read
A covered entity is not liable for the actions of its business associates nor required to monitor their actions under HIPAA. While covered entities...
3 min read
Healthcare organizations can avoid a HIPAA breach when emailing patient payment information by using encrypted email services, securing business...
3 min read
The risks of not having a business associate agreement (BAA) with your business associates include significant HIPAA violations, which can result in...
3 min read
Under the HIPAA Privacy Rule, consent is a voluntary, flexible process that allows healthcare providers to use or disclose protected health...
2 min read
The HIPAA Conduit Exception refers to a specific provision in the HIPAA Privacy Rule that allows certain entities to share protected health...
3 min read
HIPAA defines confidentiality as the protection of patient data from unauthorized disclosure. Integrity involves safeguarding data accuracy and...
1 min read
Community health workers access protected health information (PHI), so the workers and the centers they operate in have to comply with HIPAA.
2 min read
Voicemail transcriptions are subject to HIPAA regulations if they contain protected health information (PHI), which includes any identifiable patient...
3 min read
According to the HHS, there are certain situations when providers may share health information with spouses. Providers must understand HIPAA and use...
2 min read
The US Postal Service is not a business associate under HIPAA because it does not access or use protected health information. Instead, it serves as a...
5 min read
Healthcare organizations must ensure HIPAA compliant communication with family members and caregivers to protect patient privacy, avoid unauthorized...
3 min read
While healthcare providers can share protected health information (PHI) with law enforcement in certain situations, they must do so while balancing...