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Communicating beyond therapy sessions

Communicating beyond therapy sessions

Communication outside the therapy room benefits mood monitoring by allowing real-time tracking of a patient's emotional state. 


The common treatment for mood disorders

Mood disorders like depression and bipolar disorder are typically treated with a combination of medication therapy and lifestyle changes. Medications can vary based on the specific disorder and the treatment composition required by a patient. 

This concept is referenced in a study in Current Directions in Psychological Science, which states that “Successful psychological treatments, on the other hand, are currently specifically targeted to each disorder.” 

Additionally, the use of therapy takes the common approach of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or psychotherapy which provides a space to talk through feelings. 


The benefits of communication outside the therapy room

Communication outside of therapy is generally related to lifestyle changes for the patient.. Patients can benefit from consistent communication outside of regular therapy sessions in the following ways:

  • The therapist may be able to offer additional support tailored to the needs of the student. 
  • Patients can discuss medication effects and the necessary adjustments to improve treatment effectiveness. 
  • Regular communication reinforces therapy techniques like CBT, helping them apply coping tools in everyday life. 
  • Therapists can check in on how patients are implementing recommended lifestyle changes. 
  • Continuous opportunities for communication allow patients to express and process their feelings outside of scheduled sessions. 
  • Combining therapy insights with real-life updates allows for a more comprehensive approach to treating mood disorders. 


Best practices for communicating outside of therapy

HIPAA compliant text messaging

  • Make sure to use HIPAA compliant text messaging software that is easy to use and secure. 
  • Avoid sending sensitive information via text. Use texting for appointment confirmations and brief updates. 
  • Get written consent to receive and communicate sensitive information through text. 
  • Define and communicate protocols for handling text messages, including what to do in case of a security breach or message misdelivery. 


HIPAA compliant email

  • Choose a HIPAA compliant email provider offering encryption for sent and received emails.
  • Never use personal email accounts to communicate patient information. 
  • Use secure archiving solutions to store email communications according to HIPAA’s record retention requirements. 
  • Always double-check email addresses before sending messages containing PHI. 

Related: Top 12 HIPAA compliant email services



What is a security audit?

A thorough review of an organization's systems and practices to make sure they meet security standards. 


How can organizations verify a patient's email address?

Organizations can verify a patient's email address by sending a confirmation email with a unique link that patients must click to confirm their address. 


What is email authentication?

It is a process that verifies the identity of the email sender to prevent spoofing.