The National Institute of Standards and Technology defines the Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES) as a technique and algorithm used to secure information and communications through encryption and decryption processes. It applies the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm three times to each data block.
Think of it as putting your valuable items in a locked box, then putting that box inside another locked box, and finally placing it all in a third locked box, with each box having a different key. This encryption method was developed to address vulnerabilities in the original DES while maintaining compatibility with existing systems.
Understanding DES
DES is a type of encryption that processes data in chunks of 64 bits using a key that is 56 bits long. The algorithm takes 64 bits of plaintext (unencrypted data) and transforms it into 64 bits of ciphertext (encrypted data). Block ciphers work by dividing the input data into fixed-size blocks and encrypting each block separately.
The key is a crucial part of the encryption process, as it determines the specific transformation applied to the plaintext to produce the ciphertext. The security of the encryption largely depends on the key's secrecy and complexity. While it was once secure, the short key length now makes it vulnerable to being cracked with today's modern attacks.
Related: The role of VPNs in data encryption
How Triple DES Works
According to a study from the Third International Conference on Computing and Network Communications (CoCoNet), The triple DES improves security by applying the DES encryption process three times in a row with three different keys: first encrypting, then decrypting, and finally encrypting again.
Imagine sending an email containing protected health information (PHI) through three different security checkpoints, each with its own unique lock and key. This makes it much harder for unauthorized people to access the PHI.
Go deeper: Understanding unreadable data in cybersecurity - Google Docs
Applications in Healthcare
Healthcare organizations use Triple DES to protect patient information in various ways:
- Securing electronic health records
- Protecting patient data during transfer between systems
- Safeguarding stored medical information
- Securing communication systems
Benefits and limitations
Triple DES offers strong protection and works well with existing systems. However, it does have some drawbacks:
- Takes longer to process information than newer methods
- Requires more computing power
- Being replaced by newer, more efficient security methods like Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
Read more: What is the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)?
What is data encryption?
Data encryption is a security method that converts readable information into a scrambled format that can only be decoded with the correct key.
Go deeper: What is encryption?
Why do healthcare organizations use Triple DES?
Many organizations use it because it works well with their existing systems and has a proven track record of keeping information secure.
What happens if one of the keys is compromised?
Even if one key is compromised, the other two keys continue to protect the information, making it significantly more secure than single-key systems.