1 min read

What is geropsychology? 

What is geropsychology?

Geropsychology provides tailored care for older patients with an approach that promotes preventative measures to protect patient’s mental health. 


Understanding geropsychology 

Geropsychology is a specialized field of psychology focused on the mental health and well-being of older adults. As the elderly population rapidly grows, geropsychology seeks to understand and treat psychological issues uniquely affecting this demographic. 

An Australian Psychology study provides the reason behind geropsychology, “Stereotypes of ageing are often part of what hinders older people from being referred or appropriately treated. Low rates of referral to psychologists may be due in part to ageist stereotypes held by many health care providers regarding the ability of the elderly patient to benefit from psychological intervention.” The field focuses on respect for older adults' desire for independence while addressing mental health risks through an early preventative approach to care.

Related: HIPAA Compliant Email for Mental Health Professionals


The therapeutic considerations for geropsychology

  • Respect and support for independence
  • Addressing age-related stereotypes 
  • Using early intervention techniques 
  • Reducing stigmas around mental health
  • Making psychological services more accessible
  • Acknowledgment of the link between physical and mental health
  • Recognizing the diversity in older adults


How HIPAA compliant email benefits geropsychology

HIPAA compliant email provides several benefits for geropsychology, especially in its ability to reach and support older adults. For older patients with limited mobility, scheduling appointments and sharing resources through email can act as a lifeline in the event that in person sessions become difficult. 

Through assistive training modules and resources, providers can educate those who struggle with using technology, opening a world of open communication that can greatly benefit older adults who may become isolated.



What is consent? 

A patient's permission for healthcare providers to share or use their health information. 


Are psychotherapy notes covered by HIPAA? 

Yes, they are provided extra protections beyond regular health information. 


When can therapists share patient information?

Therapists can share patient information with permission or in certain cases like emergencies to protect public health or if legally required.