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HIPAA release form requirements

Written by Farah Amod | Sep 13, 2024 8:04:34 PM

The HIPAA privacy rule has three exceptions allowing healthcare providers to disclose PHI without patient authorization: treatment, payment, and healthcare operations. These categories include the everyday activities required to run a healthcare practice, such as billing, coordination of care, and quality improvement initiatives.

However, beyond these exceptions, healthcare providers must obtain express authorization from patients before disclosing their PHI to any third-party entities or for purposes other than those covered by the three exceptions. This authorization is typically provided through the completion and signing of a HIPAA release form.


Instances requiring a HIPAA release form

The HIPAA privacy rule clearly outlines the specific scenarios in which a healthcare provider must obtain a signed HIPAA release form from a patient before disclosing their PHI. These instances include:

  • Disclosure of PHI to third parties: Any disclosure of PHI to individuals or organizations outside of the healthcare provider's own practice, for reasons other than treatment, payment, or healthcare operations, requires a HIPAA release form.
  • Marketing and fundraising efforts: The use of PHI in marketing or fundraising activities requires obtaining a HIPAA release form from the patient.
  • Research purposes: Before sharing PHI for research purposes, healthcare providers must obtain a HIPAA release form from the patient.
  • Disclosure of psychotherapy notes: The release of any psychotherapy notes, which are afforded additional privacy protections under HIPAA, requires a separate HIPAA release form.
  • Compensation for PHI disclosure: If a healthcare provider is to receive financial compensation in exchange for the disclosure of PHI, a HIPAA release form must be obtained.

Read more: What are HIPAA forms? 


Elements of a HIPAA release form

To ensure compliance with the HIPAA privacy rule, a well-crafted HIPAA release form must incorporate several elements. These include:

  • Description of PHI to be shared: The form should clearly describe the specific types of PHI that will be disclosed, such as medical records, test results, or billing information.
  • Purpose of disclosure: The form should explain the purpose for which the PHI will be shared, whether it's for treatment, payment, research, or any other legitimate reason.
  • Identification of receiving entities: The form should identify the individuals or organizations with whom the PHI will be shared, providing a clear understanding of the recipients of the information.
  • Expiration date: The form should include a specific date or event upon which the patient's authorization will expire, ensuring that the disclosure of PHI is limited to the agreed-upon timeframe.
  • Patient signature and date: The form must be dated and signed by the patient (or their authorized representative) to indicate their express consent for the disclosure.
  • Revocation rights: The form should educate the patient about their right to revoke the authorization at any time, as well as the process for doing so.
  • Potential for redisclosure: The form should inform the patient that if their PHI is shared with a third party, that party may subsequently redisclose the information, and it may no longer be protected under the HIPAA privacy rule.

Read also: The different types of HIPAA forms 


Maintaining HIPAA compliance with release forms

Ensuring ongoing HIPAA compliance goes beyond the initial creation of HIPAA release forms. Healthcare providers must implement policies and procedures to manage the entire lifecycle of these documents.

Considerations for maintaining HIPAA compliance with release forms include:

  • Secure storage and access control: HIPAA release forms, like all PHI, must be stored in a secure manner, with access restricted to only those individuals who require it for legitimate business purposes.
  • Periodic review and updates: Healthcare providers should regularly review their HIPAA release forms to ensure they remain up-to-date with the latest regulatory changes and industry best practices.
  • Employee training and awareness: All staff members who handle HIPAA release forms should receive training on the proper procedures for collecting, processing, and storing these documents.
  • Auditing and monitoring: Healthcare organizations should implement auditing and monitoring processes to ensure that HIPAA release forms are being used and managed in compliance with the HIPAA privacy rule.


Navigating the challenges of HIPAA release forms

Implementing and managing HIPAA release forms can present a range of challenges for healthcare providers, from ensuring patient understanding to addressing regulatory requirements.

  • Patient education and engagement: Educating patients on the purpose and importance of HIPAA release forms is necessary, as it empowers them to make informed decisions about the sharing of their PHI. Healthcare providers must communicate in plain language, addressing any patient concerns or questions.
  • Adapting to regulatory changes: The HIPAA privacy rule is subject to periodic updates and amendments, requiring healthcare providers to monitor regulatory changes and update their HIPAA release forms accordingly.
  • Integrating with technology and workflows: As healthcare organizations increasingly use digital tools and technologies, the integration of HIPAA release forms into these systems and workflows can present unique challenges, necessitating careful planning and implementation.
  • Ensuring consistency across the organization: Maintaining consistent HIPAA release form practices and procedures across an entire healthcare organization can be a significant undertaking, particularly in large or decentralized settings.

Related: FAQs: HIPAA compliant forms 


Compliance solutions for HIPAA release form management

Many healthcare organizations are turning to specialized compliance solutions to effectively manage the complexities of HIPAA release forms. These innovative tools and platforms offer a range of features and functionalities to support the entire lifecycle of HIPAA release forms, from creation and collection to storage and monitoring.

Benefits of using compliance solutions for HIPAA release form management include:

  • Templated release form generation: Compliance solutions often provide pre-built, HIPAA compliant release form templates that can be customized to meet the specific needs of a healthcare organization.
  • Secure storage and access control: These platforms offer secure, centralized repositories for HIPAA release forms, with access controls and audit trails to ensure the protection of sensitive patient data.
  • Automated workflows: Compliance solutions can streamline the HIPAA release form process, automating tasks such as form distribution, collection, and expiration tracking.
  • Regulatory updates and compliance monitoring: Many compliance solutions proactively monitor regulatory changes and update their platforms accordingly, helping healthcare providers maintain ongoing HIPAA compliance.
  • Reporting and analytics: These tools provide valuable insights and reporting capabilities, enabling healthcare organizations to track the usage and management of HIPAA release forms across the enterprise.


In the news

The settlement between the HHS' Office for Civil Rights (OCR) and New Vision Dental, a Californian dental practice, shows the need for HIPAA documentation and forms to protect patient privacy. Following a complaint about disclosures on Yelp, OCR found Dr. Brandon Au, the practice owner, had shared patients' protected health information online. 

OCR’s investigators were able to confirm that Dr. Au had impermissibly disclosed the protected health information of patients on multiple occasions on Yelp, that the practice did not have the required content in its Notice of Privacy Practices, and had not implemented appropriate policies and procedures concerning protected health information, including the release of protected health information on social media platforms and in public places.

Read more: Dental practice hit with social media HIPAA violation 


Introducing Paubox Forms

Paubox Forms is designed to securely collect patient data in compliance with HIPAA regulations. It's included with the Paubox Email Suite service and features a user-friendly drag-and-drop form builder. 

The forms can be customized with various question options, such as text fields, dropdowns, multiple-choice questions, file uploads, and even signatures. 

You can adjust question settings, design elements, and manage form settings. Once a form is built, it can be published and linked to websites or emails. Form submissions are viewable in the Paubox Admin Panel, and users can customize submission messages and manage form recipients.  

Paubox's HIPAA compliant online forms offer a range of features designed to meet the unique needs of healthcare providers:

  • Easy form creation: With Paubox's intuitive form builder, healthcare providers can easily create custom online forms tailored to their specific requirements. The drag-and-drop interface allows for seamless design and customization.
  • HIPAA compliance: Paubox's online forms are designed to be HIPAA compliant from the ground up. The solution incorporates industry-standard security measures, including encryption and access controls, to protect patient data.
  • Secure data storage: Patient data collected through Paubox's online forms is securely stored in an encrypted format. Healthcare providers can rest assured knowing that patient information is kept confidential and protected.
  • Integration with EHR systems: Paubox's online forms easily integrate with popular electronic health record (EHR) systems, allowing for seamless transfer of patient data.

Here's how your practice can use Paubox Forms:

  • Quick patient intake: Patients can complete their details online before appointments.
  • Direct patient feedback: Patients can provide feedback so providers can improve services.
  • Enhanced telehealth: Pre-session forms ensure better preparedness and efficiency.
  • Streamlined referrals: Online forms make the referral process quicker and more secure. 
  • Emergency contact updates: Quick, secure collection of emergency contacts.
  • Health history at a glance: Patients can complete detailed health history forms online.
  • Informed consent: Simplify collecting and tracking authorization for treatments, procedures, and marketing campaigns.
  • Insurance info made easy: Efficiently collect and verify insurance details, speeding up billing processes.
  • Wellness program sign-ups: Facilitate enrollment in health programs.
  • Post-treatment check-ins: Forms are an easy way to follow up with patients.




Are Paubox's online forms customizable?

Yes, Paubox's online forms are highly customizable. Healthcare providers can create forms tailored to their specific requirements using the intuitive form builder.


How secure are Paubox's online forms?

Paubox's online forms are designed to be HIPAA compliant and incorporate industry-standard security measures, including encryption and access controls, to protect patient data.


Can Paubox's online forms be accessed on mobile devices?

Yes, Paubox's online forms are responsive and can be accessed and completed on any device with an internet connection.

Learn more: HIPAA Compliant Email: The Definitive Guide